Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wow...yes it is official. My husband has fallen off the deep end (44 tomorrow) and instead of flowers he has bought me a new elliptical, weight bench and several pieces of exercise equipment for Valentines Day. Wow...now I don't have an excuse to exercise at the YMCA anymore. I am asking for a racket ball court for Christmas. I will see if he will get me that.....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Exercise Addict

Yes, I have figured out the key to successful weight loss while maintaining it. It is to become an exercise addict. You have to want exercise so badly that you toss and turn in your bed at night if you haven't gone to the gym yet. I have found several different exercises to do, and not all of them require the YMCA. My pond is finally frozen over and my dog Jack loves to chase sticks. I love to ice skate so Jack and I go out on the pond 1 hour per day and I skate while he chases the sticks I throw him. This way we both get exercise. I have found out that if you exercise before you eat, you will burn calories while chewing your food! Awesome, huh? You will also burn calories cleaning your house if you exercise before hand. So you can get a clean house and benefit two ways from it. One more tip, if you drink cold, ice water you can burn up to 80 more calories! The only problem with this is that you tend to drink less water if it is ice water.
I am glad the new year is here. I am thankful that I still have my good health at 44 which enables me to continue exercising. Become an exercise addict. Maybe you will see me in exercisers anonymous some day. Oh well........