Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We are on our way!

I have begun the new bible study with the Junior High Schools on health issues they face every day. The first week I only had 2 girls in the class. Needless to say my bubble was burst, but I remembered the purpose behind this program. If only one girl came it would definitely be worth it. But the next week I had 7 more girls so now a total of 8 girls are in the program. It is so rewarding to see the awe on these girls faces when I bring in nutritional information from McDonald's and Taco Bell, and have them tell me the contents of the food they had been eating. They have NO IDEA what they are putting in their mouths. It saddens me that children all around the Country are literally being fed lies!! I can only help a small group at this point, but I urge everyone to open up their eyes and see the toxic crap we are putting into our mouths. The portion sizes at any restaurant alone are, at least, double if not triple to what we should be eating. The evidence is overwhelming, making the food industry a guilty party to killing us. We are guilty by association. We are addicted to the ingredients they put into this food. How can we say that smoking is bad for us if we are eating, in gigantic proportions, the fat and sugar content that is added to all of this food?

Well to get back to the subject, I believe that I can help these girls to begin thinking about what they are doing to their bodies. I am not worried about bulimia or anorexia tendencies because I have come to realize it isn't about your weight, but about living healthy habits. Fat or thin, we all need to begin making healthier choices for ourselves and our families. The First Place 4 Health program that I lead at our Church has helped me along this journey and has made me fully aware of the bad habits that I was forming for the past 24 years. I feel like I am in full combat uniform over the fight of big and small food chains around the Country who are misleading our people into a deep, deep foxhole. We need to take control today....... we need to get informed and start making better decisions.