Friday, May 30, 2008

Encouragement....the best medicine

Last night I had the wonderful privilege of meeting one very special older man. Actually he is about 82 years old and resides in a nursing home about 35miles away from where I live. He happened to be dining at our Church where we have a Cafe on Thursday evenings. While striking up a conversation with him I learned that he had biked 35 miles one way to attend this meal. During the course of the conversation, not only did he do this once, but every day he rides this far. That would be about 70 miles in one day. AND not because of gas prices. This man likes to exercise!!! Amazing isn't it? I asked myself, how can I complain about getting 45 -60 min. per day of exercise in when this man takes about 4-6 hours to bicycle? Yes I know that we are a busy, busy society but it is possible to find time in your day to walk...yes just walk! If your child has ball practice, you can walk while they are practicing. If we have to get up in the morning an extra 1/2 hour to exercise, oh well, you get the picture.....This older man has the right idea, and what an encouragement he is and will continue to be to is it the best medicine? medicine...more money in our pockets...when we are 82 years old we can enjoy the beautiful outdoors, use our money to buy a bicycle and ride to Churches in the area to get free meals...healthy meals at that!!!! Just encourage someone today if you are reading this blog. Take someone by the hand who may not have a friend close enough to care about them, and walk with them for 30 min. Hey, what about this? While you are walking you could talk to them. Encourage a friend, receive a friend. What an amazing concept. I AM NOT being sarcastic here. I am passionate about the word encouragement. It is used in the New Testament of the Bible over and over and in Paul's ministry especially. It amazes me that preachers don't encourage people from the pulpit. They may complain how bad the people in their churches are and don't want to do anything, but do you ever get a call or a note from them with encouraging words? Not often....I will save this blog for another will be a long one....Just Keep Walking.....

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